Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Audi A1 Versi AC Milan

Bagi para penggila klub sepakbola AC Milan, nampaknya harus melirik mobil yang satu ini. Sebab produsen mobil Audi memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah Audi A1 yang dimodifikasi khusus untuk AC Milan.

Produsen mobil asal Jerman tersebut sejak beberapa tahun belakangan memang menjadi salah satu sponsor klub yang bermarkas di kota Milan, Italia ini dan secara teratur memberikan mobil kepada para pemain.

Tapi kali ini, Audi seperti dIkutip dari Autoevolution, Senin (25/10/2010) ingin melangkah lebih jauh dengan menghadirkan mobil yang terinspirasi dari warna-warna yang identik dengan AC Milan seperti merah dan hitam.

Untuk bagian eksteriornya, selain dilabur warna merah dan hitam, di mobil yang diperkuat mesin 1.4 liter dengan S-Tronic ini juga terdapat lambang Rossoneri yang sangat identik dengan klub yang bermarkas di stadion San Siro tersebut.

Belum lama ini, Audi memberikan sebuah Audi A1 versi AC Milan ini kepada bek Massimo Oddo yang memenangkan kompetisi balap antar pemain AC Milan di Monza.

Selain itu, lahirnya mobil ini juga menandai perpanjangan perjanjian sponsor antara Audi dan AC Milan. Di perjanjian baru, sekitar 65 kendaraan akan dikirimkan oleh Audi ke klub dan para pemainnya, antara lain RS5, RS6 Avant, Q5, Q7 dan A4 Allroad.

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Vorax, Supercar Dari Brasil

Setiap negara kini sepertinya berlomba membuat mobil super. Setelah negara-negara seperti Denmark dan Meksiko kini negeri samba, Brasil juga tidak mau kalah dan mengeluarkan mobil super bernama Vorax.

Rencananya mobil sport yang dikeluarkan oleh Rossin-Bertin ini akan dirilis pada pameran mobil di Sao Paulo, Brasil tidak lama lagi dan akan mengedepankan penggunaan material yang lebih ringan.

Penggunaan material yang ringan ini menjadi daya tarik tersendiri dari Vorax. Dengan sasis terbuat dari aluminium dan tubuh dari serat karbon, Vorax menjelma manjadi mobil sport dengan bobot yang sangat ringan.

Bayangkan saja, sasis yang menopang tubuh Vorax yang akan diproduksi di Blumenau bobotnya hanya 220 kg saja. "Kalau terbuat dari baja, bobotnya akan tiga kali lebih berat," ungkap Manajer Produksi Vorax Reginaldo Otsu seperti dikutip dari koran lokal A Tribuna, Senin (25/10/2010).

Komponen aluminium sendiri menguasai tubuh Vorax dan mencapai persentase hingga 60 persen dari 5.000 komponen yang ada di tubuh Vorax. Untuk pelek roda 20 inci yang menopang Vorax misalnya.

"Kami sedang berupaya untuk membuat berat mereka antara 6 dan 9 kg, sementara roda normal beratnya 12 kg untuk ukuran ini," kata CEO Rossin-Bertin, Fharys Rossin, yang juga merancang mobil.

Untuk urusan dapur pacu, mobil yang memiliki berat total 1.300 kg ini menggendong dua pilihan mesin yakni V10 berkapasitas 5.0 liter yang digunakan pada versi penutup M5 dan akan menghasilkan tenaga sebesar 570 hp.

Sementara yang ingin merasakan tenaga yang lebih ganas, Rossin-Bertin juga menyediakan mesin yang sudah dilengkapi dengan dua supercharger hingga mesin tersebut pun mampu memuntahkan tenaga sampai 750 hp.

Dalam pengujian virtual, Vorax mampu berakselerasi dari diam sampai 100 km per jam hanya dalam waktu 3,8 detik saja dan memiliki topspeed hingga 330 km per jam. Sedangkan pada varian dengan supercharger tentu memiliki kecepatan yang lebih tinggi dari versi 'biasa' tadi.

Untuk akselerasinya, mobil bertenaga 750 hp itu mampu melaju dalam waktu 3,6 detik untuk mencapai kecepatan 100 km per jam dengan kecepatan puncak mencapai 372 km per jam.

Rencananya mobil ini akan mulai diproduksi pada akhir 2011 dan awal 2012 dalam jumlah yang terbatas yakni antara 500 dan 1.000 unit saja dengan perkiraan harga jual mulai dari US$ 700.000 atau sekitar Rp 6,25 miliar.

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Wajah Baru Ford Focus Lebih Elegan dan Sporty

Ford Motor Indonesia hari ini, Kamis (21/10) memperkenalkan Ford Focus terbaru, yang merupakan mobil global Ford di segmen menengah. Mobil ini mempresentasikan evolusi terbaru dari kendaraan sporty yang dinamis, penuh dengan aura 'kinetic design', fitur-fitur terdepan serta keiritan bahan bakar yang luar biasa.

Acara launching Ford Focus terbaru yang dilangsungkan di Mall Pondok Indah 2 ini mempertahankan 'kinetic design' nya yang dramatis. Dengan air intake berbentuk trapesium besar di bawah garis bumper yang baru serta dominasi upper grille bagian depan memberikan kendaraan ini bentuk atletis yang khas. Tampilan ini juga semakin memperkuat model Focus sport 5 pintu, dengan desain bumper depan dan belakang baru, juga lampu kabutnya.

Tiga fitur terbaru yang semakin membuat pengemudi menjadi lebih nyaman, juga disertakan di dalam Focus terbaru yang memang sudah memiliki reputasi akan kecanggihan dan kecerdasan teknologi. Ini termasuk Rain Sensing Wipers, Auto Headlamps, dan Auto Dimming Rear View Mirror serta jok elektrik yang semakin melengkapi Focus sebgai mobil dengan pengendalian terbaik di segmennya.

"New Ford Focus menyajikan tampilan dinamis dan fitur-fitur teknologi cerdas yang biasanya hanya ditemukan pada mobil mewah. Hal tersebut semakin melengkapi eksterior yang sekarang lebih ekspresif dan menawarkan kecanggihan yang lebih namun dengan harga sama," kata Will Angove, Presiden Direktur Ford Motor Indonesia.

New Focus tersedia dengan dua pilihan mesin yang irit bahan bakar. Yaitu mesin bensin - 1.8 liter Duratec E20 yang mampu mengomsumsi 20% bio-etanol dan mesin diesel 2.0 liter Duratorq TDCi. Ford Focus 1.8 liter dipersenjatai dengan sistem transmisi Sequential Sport Shift otomatis sedangkan Focus TDCi dengan sistem transmisi enam percepatan PowerShift dual-clutch.

New Focus terus menawarkan performa, pengendalian, dan keiritan bahan bakar di dalam mesin verslinder empat. Focus TDCi turbodiesel dengan transmisi PowerShift memberikan keiritan bahan bakar yang terbaik pada kelasnya yaitu 17.2 km/l.

Focus juga menawarkan pendingin udara dual-zone otomatis serta kursi elektrik yang tersedia di kursi pengemudi dan penumpang depan. AUX input untuk menghubungkan MP3 player ke sistem audio juga disematkan di dalam mobil ini.

New Ford Focus hadir dengan 2 varian, yaitu :
1. New Ford Focus 5 pintu 2.0L TDCi AT Sport - Rp. 342.200.000,- OTR Jakarta

2. New Ford Focus 5 pintu 1.8L AT Comfort - Rp.240.000.000,- OTR Jakarta

New Ford Focus juga hadir dengan 6 pilihan warna, termasuk Diamond White, Panther Black, Moondust Silver, Chill, Tonic and Ocean.

Dengan segala keistimewaan dan kelebihannya Ford Focus hadir di tengah-tengah anda untuk menunjukkan kendaraan ini sangat layak bagi anda semua penikmat otomotif yang cerdas dan sporty.

So, tunggu apalagi segera miliki mobil penuh sensasi ini untuk menyempurnakan nuansa tahun baru anda semakin bersinar terang kala menjalani liburan panjang dengan mengendarai New Ford Focus.

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Daftar Mobil Bebas Masalah

Memiliki mobil yang bebas masalah pastinya menyenangkan, tak perlu khawatir ketika berkendara di jalanan. Apa kira-kira mobil paling bebas masalah?

Dalam survei di AS yang digelar Consumer Reports, produsen Jepang rupanya masih yang teratas dalam daftar.

Pabrikan seperti Toyota dan Honda melalui berbagai mereknya masih dianggap sebagai mobil yang paling bebas masalah. Tapi awas, dua pabrikan Amerika Ford dan GM mulai menyusul.

Ford dan GM terus mempersempit jarak dengan pabrikan Asia tersebut dalam hal kualitas daya tahan mobil-mobil mereka, sehingga perbaikan beberapa tahun terakhir ini membuat merek mereka dianggap sebagai mobil bebas masalah.

Beberapa model tersendiri dari Ford memiliki kualitas lebih baik dari Toyota. Kebangkitan Ford terus dilakukan sejak lima tahun lalu, yang dipimpin oleh sedan menengah Ford Fusion. Ford peringkat 10, bangkit dari tahun lalu yang berperingkat 16.

GM pun tak mau kalah. Sebanyak 69 model GM dianggap memiliki kehandalan yang lebih baik, naik dari sebelumnya yang hanya 21 model, dengan Chevrolet sebagai merek GM teratas diperingkat 17, naik dari sebelumnya di peringkat 25.

Apalagi hal tersebut diperkuat dengan tindakan GM yang membuang merek-merek yang dianggap berkualitas rendah seperti Saturnus, Hummer dan Pontiac, dan menggantinya dengan model yang lebih baik seperti Chevrolet Equinox dan Buick Lacrosse.

Sementara Toyota, dalam tiga tahun berturut-turut selalu mengandalkan merek Scion sebagai mobil paling sedikit masalah berada di peringkat enam, turun dari tahun lalu di peringkat 3.

Scion, menjadi pemuncak karena menjual hanya tiga model, xD hatchback, xB wagon dan tC coupe. Model-model ini belum diubah sehingga memiliki masalah yang lebih sedikit.

Peringkat Scion diikuti oleh Porsche, Acura, Honda, dan Nissan Infiniti. Sedangkan Lexus, yang telah menjadi mobil terbaik ditahun terakhir ini, jatuh ke posisi sembilan.

Toyota umumnya bernasib baik dalam survei yang melibatkan 960.000 konsumen ini, meskipun ada kasus recall lebih dari 10 juta unit di seluruh dunia untuk masalah keselamatan.

Selamatnya Toyota karena dalam survey tersebut, konsumen diminta untuk
mengabaikan kasus recall, kecuali mereka telah mengalami masalah karenanya, sebagaimana dilansir The Huffington Post, Kamis (28/10/2010).

Sementara Honda, adalah produsen mobil yang paling handal dan bebas masalah, dengan merek Honda dan Acura konsisten diperingkat atas dari hasil survei karena Honda terus melakukan penekanan lanjutan pada kualitasnya.

Chrysler menampilkan 27 merek dalam survey tersebut, dengan Jeep di rangking 20 dan Dodge di peringkat 24. Tapi, dari sekian banyak mereknya, tidak ada mobil-mobil Chrysler yang mencetak rangking di atas rata-rata dalam hal kehandalannya.

Berikut daftar mobil bebas masalah dari survei Consumer Reports

Rangking dan Merek:
1. Scion
2. Porsche
3. Acura
4. Honda
5. Infiniti
6. Toyota
7. Subaru
8. Volvo
9. Lexus
10. Ford
11. Hyundai
12. Mazda
13. KIA
14. Nissan
15. Lincoln
16. VW
17. Chevrolet
18. Buick
19. Cadillac
20. Jeep
21. GMC
22. Mercedes-Benz
23. BMW
24. Dodge
25. MINI
26. Audi
27. Chrysler

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Alami Kerusakan Rem, Odyssey Ditarik Kembali

Kamis 21 Oktober kemarin, Toyota mengumumkan recall (penarikan kembali) 1 juta lebih mobilnya karena minyak rem yang bocor dari master silinder rem, kini Honda menyusul langkah itu.

Honda juga mengonfirmasi adanya kemungkinan mobilnya mengalami kerusakan rem yang hampir sama dengan Toyota.

Seperti dikutip Leftlane, Jumat (22/10/2010) meski Honda belum melaporkan recall ini ke National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), namun perwakilan NHTSA Christina Ra sudah memastikan Honda akan melakukan langkah serupa, yakni merecall mobil karena minyak rem yang bocor.

Diyakini masalah ini muncul pada Odyssey dan sedan Acura RL keluaran tahun 2005-2007. Honda di AS sejauh ini sudah menjual 510.965 Odyssey, sedangkan sedan Acura RL mencapai 10.000 unit.

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CBR 250 R, Terjangkau dan Menggiurkan

Produsen motor Honda baru saja mengeluarkan CBR250R yang mengusung beragam fitur terkini. Dan ternyata harga motor ini pun terbilang murah yakni mulai dari 100 ribu Bath atau sekitar Rp 30 jutaan saja.

Harga itu merupakan harga CBR250R di Thailand. Dengan harga segitu dan desain menawan, CBR250R jadi terlihat menggiurkan.

Honda CBR250R sendiri dilepas dalam 2 tipe yakni tipe standar berharga 100 ribu Bath (30 juta) dan tipe full spec yang dilengkapi fitur ABS berharga 120 ribu Bath (Rp 35 jutaan).

Kedua tipe CBR250R tersebut sama-sama mengusung dimensi 2,035x0,720x1,125 meter (PxLxT) dan wheelbase 1,370 serta ground clearance 0,145 meter. Tapi beratnya, tipe full spec memiliki bobot 165 kg, sedangkan tipe standarnya lebih ringan 4 kg atau 161 kg.

Untuk dapur pacunya motor berkode Honda MC41 ini dibekali mesin CS250RE, liquid cooled, 4 tak DOHC dan single silinder yang memiliki kapasitas bersih 249 cc serta boreXstroke 76x55 dan rasio kompresi 10,7.

Mesin tersebut bersanding dengan transmisi 6 percepatan dan sistem injeksi khas Honda, programmed fuel injection system (PGM-FI) yang membuatnya ramah lingkungan dengan standar emisi Euro3.

"Target kami di seluruh dunia untuk model ini adalah lebih dari 60 ribu unit di 22 negara," ungkap Senior Managing Director Chief Operating Officer for Motorcycle Operations Honda Motor Co Mr. Tatsuhiro Oyama di sela peluncuran CBR250R di Grand Centara, Bangkok, Thailand.

Motor ini diproduksi oleh dua negara yakni India yang mensuplai CBR250R ke negara ASEAN, Jepang, Eropa, Amerika Utara dan Australia. Sementara sebuah pabrik lagi yang berada di India akan membombardir negeri Bollywood itu dan Amerika Selatan.

Sementara PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) yang memegang merek motor Honda di Indonesia pun sudah menyatakan minat membawa motor ini ke tanah air pada tahun depan. Sebagai permulaan, motor ini akan mereka pajang di pagelaran Jakarta MotorCycle Show yang akan dilangsungkan pada awal November 2010 mendatang.

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Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Modifikasi Mio Sporty


Results of the modification mio sporti appeared in the contest by seizing several champions in various event, the specification modif: the front Tyre 120/14, www.indoforum.org the Tyre Behind 140/14, disc brakes belakan double the right Disc - left, all body original in the substitute full custom, cover crangkas brembo, the Consul box, the spy custom, cover the hub cap, handled adjustable from contest.

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Modifikasi Mio Djarum Black Motodify Malang

Good indeed if skutik modif this seized the title of one of the films super the newest hero of the work of the film-maker from the country of Paman Sam.

His character that futuristik with tampilan beraksen aggressive, the modification bertitel "Mio Iron Man Rod Wheel" this was claimed the creator as the creation was most original the heroes from the association club Wheel, Street. Rungkut Kidul, Surabaya. "By chance with with his film Mas and was seen by us seldom was please similar to us with the Iron Man name then", pukas Great Surya (20) one of the workshop modifiers represented the owner.

The basin super the hero (Iron Man), one of the mainstay weapons was acknowledged by the creator was located in the sector of the hands and foot-foot. With stang kastem bomber "clean" that kesemua the cable installation was massaged in an apik manner in the pipe stang, the sector foot-foot then was supported Twins Custom Suspension in front and single arms bershock dual that contradicted the rim hubbles chrome wrapped the tyre of the kind car tubles 130/60/R13 front and 140/70/R14 behind.

The beginning was completed by us the sector foot-foot previously, just double as, the Great story. Carried the style low rider, pemoloran the wheel behind then dilakoni for the sake of translated trend the strong modification was carried penggila skutik matik at this time this. With the increase in the muffler kastem apik, funnel accessories and several applications of the entertainment device; the Recvox TV, head the Audio planet unit, power Sound Stream, speaker Lighting Audio, tampilan Iron Man Rod Wheel this increasingly apik with guyuran the Red Wine paint peppermints with the effect sparkle.

uper the hero futuristik this then succeeded in snatching the title as the champion I The Best Customized Matic and the champion Ii Master of Orbital. "In fact the target won we the extreme equally Orbital now if our other category attempted, but we stayed grateful", was closed Great somewhat diplomatic to the team www.autoblackthrough.com. [ayd/timABT]

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Suzuki Satria No Chain


It turned out that Bali is not just great to modify the low rider scooter with the flow. This time Agung Darma, builder The 6 Pe from Denpasar presenting his works Suzuki Supermoto and you certainly do not think that the base of the duck's Suzuki Satria 120R Pacung Nang. Remarkably, transfer of power to the rear wheels do not use chains.

For the flow of road this tracker, Great use belts and pulleys to drive the rear wheels. Transfer system is more complicated because of the front gear connected to the sprocket chain is coupled with the front pulley of a given protective plate to protect them from dust and water. Then, a second sprocket mounted on the frame below.

Then, turning round to the back of larger diameter pulleys attached to the rear drum, relying v-belt. "Once the machine bergasing, first front gear pulley rotate the front wear chains with a ratio of 1:1. Then, the front pulley rotate the pulley diameter of 10 cm diameter 27 cm behind," said Agung.

Diameter of pulleys, according to club retainer GPS Bali, has been measured based on the circumference of the front and rear gear ratio is right with the engine power and weight of the motor. Hence, the motor still running good, meskipu damaged road conditions or uphill.

"Gaps in the belt pulley made about 3 mm and under tension belt tensioner stabilized Mitsubishi L300 car engine so as not to slip during the taxable belt hot, wet or dirty," said Agung.

Changing the gender of the duck so this motocross models, the framework also worked on road-style tracker for the composition is pretty good. Moreover, the chassis cradle type is already filled with waste sokbreker Yamaha YZ125 SE follows a triangle and wide handlebars HDS output.

The middle is filled body Yamaha YZ125 custom, although they had to reset the frame for the seat position and seat monosok can Kitaco center. As a result, his work was successfully champion a duck modification Bali One Heart Modification Contezt. (KR15)

New Engine Honda New Megapro

With a little encouragement, the standard was free! This motorcycle feels light when towed. After the ignition is turned, the tachometer directly lit. Simple machine is turned on with a single kick kick starter lever. After that, the machine which given the label "Extra Responsive Performance", 150cc, 4 stroke and SOHC, immediately greeted the drivers. Muffler sound from light. Smooth engine vibration and no longer mengoyang rearview mirror.

Only three rounds of Pro Mega feel the intimacy with this new. Very short! Yes, not yet satisfied! On the first lap, used to know the path, guided by instructors Honda Safety Riding.

The second lap, played more in the grip of gas to determine the level of excitement this Mega Pro machine. Pretty aggressive! Under a steady pull on the lap, good control. Stability at maneuvering around the corner at a speed of 30-40 km / h - although occasionally be tilted to 45 degrees - including OK!

Unfortunately, the ability to be encouraged out. Cross straight of only about 100 meters. Can only make speeding 75 km / hr.

For suspension, the New Mega Pro uses a single shock absorber Monoshock or behind. Posture motorcycles are higher. Absober steady shock strength for a single rider with a weight of 110 kg.

Shock absorber has two springs, upper and lower adjustable (hard or soft) as required rider and luggage rack. All test sessions completed in 5 minutes.

Brief conclusion, New Mega Pro offers motorcycles with the ability to master both in the city or touring. The price under the old version, makes motorcycle sport Pengemar curious. Primarily, for those who want a stylish balance between touring comfort with street fighter toughness.

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Honda IconHonda CS-1

Honda iconThis article from www.maticholic.com, According to the insider PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) in the agenda launching Honda CS-1 in Surabaya, on last Sunday (6/4), AHM will it was confirmed sell his brother of Vario to menyasar the class low end. Yes, true skutik that in Thailand was named Icon. Even currently in the Putih Elephant country already many versions of his modification. From modif light to the extreme.

The example in this page. The concept ubahan him was mentioned art techno that his intention mengombinasi art designed bodi with the element hi-tech.

honda iconThe plan bodi him was personally thick nuances of sport. Seen in the stern part that was wrought on meruncing like the race of MotoGP. Whatever after the two tyres were exchanged with that got a foothold wide. Alhasil the aroma of the sport motor became increasingly strong was smelled. Now the element tekno him was shown in aplication several part that his design gave the impression of being sophisticated.

honda iconThe example of the gas channel discarded that silencer him was formed by the triangle kind, then to the side samping was given the spoke like the shark respiratory tract. Afterwards the construction monosok behind that originally erect, was changed by sleep.

That not to mention the increase arm on the right of the wheel behind that was drafted joined fender roda.Oh yes, this motor results of the AP dedication of Honda Thailand. Take part in being displayed in boot they in gelaran 29th Bangkok International Motor Show that ended on last Sunday (6/4). Beside several other modifications. Nah, who knew ubahan this could be the inspiration for you that eventually will buy skutik that.

honda icon

Data Spesifikasi
Ban dpn/blkg : Vee Rubber Racing LS-V266, Radial Ukuran 110/90 - 12
Sokbreker depan : G@zi, upside down
Sokbreker blkg : G@zi tipe gas
Swing arm kanan : Panom
Fender roda blkg : Panom
Knalpot : Custom
Rem belakang : Disc Brake

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

MIO Kijang Innova.

The First creation from Aboben Variasi. Mio this experienced the change in the chassis take the form of applied Canopy. Mio the type Ex- treme this had won the Cuzztomatic contest 1... Moreover... the production of this motor has been counted on thoroughly with menyeimbangkan heavy front and behind. As well as for penumpang,sudah was counted on by being spoilt like the car.. used jok SPARCO,Audio System and thicker with the car aroma take the form of used Tail Lamp Kijang Innova.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Modifikasi Suzuki Skywave

Today Go to malang. I look event motor modification For the spectator action the Suzuki With Ungu Sensation in 10 cities, definitely could be satisfied scrutinised ubahan in Skywave this. Drafted got up skubek Suzuki 125 cc this the work of Motor Platinum (the PM), Malang, East Java.

This modification house indeed the customer won contezt. Appropriate and appropriate if their work didaulat mejeng in the stage that also the introductory site to the new Suzuki slogan: Suzuki Way of Life.KLIK - Detail Motor platinum tried to unite the virus or tren that was developing. As bringing about the style low rider through efforts to stretch the wheel fuse out. The method is, certainly through increased breket or engine mounting that the distance of the wheel fuse becomes longer.

That for the wheel behind, right. Now to front, even the model was made singel the alias acted as if single. from http://motorplus-online.com The model that was chosen followed behind. To unified was the same CVT behind that also was in left. Like that was spied on from right, skubek Suzuki that many of his interested persons as being not guarded the suspension. Bodi kit also was affected by the moderate touch significant. Several parts bodi already ditempel beberap kit from fiberglass. Like to light and the wings. Including the cover jok also from kit that could easily was overhauled.

Ban depan Deli Tire 120/70x14
Ban belakang Deli Tire 140/70x14
Pelek depan-belakang Honda Genio
Spidometer Koso
Kaliper depan Nissin
Sok belakang Variasi
Oil-cooler Variasi

2011 McLaren MP4-12C

2011 McLaren MP4-12C - Front Angle View

The McLaren MP4-12C is powered by a twin-turbocharged, 3.8 litre 90° V8 engine – the ‘M838T’. This marks the start of a new era in ‘core’ segment sports cars – smaller capacity, lighter weight, higher efficiency and more economical power units. The engine has the highest specific power output in its segment which, when allied to its low weight carbon composite chassis, delivers exemplary...

2011 Volkswagen CrossTouran

2011 Volkswagen CrossTouran - Front Angle Picture

Volkswagen CrossTouran now fills the gap in the Cross lifestyle family, following the CrossPolo and CrossGolf launched earlier in the year. This new Volkswagen’s compact MPV traditionally ‘goes one better’ with its modified bad road kit complete with longer suspension springs it gets 20 millimeters more ground clearance than the standard model. The striking exterior elements the new...

2011 Range Rover Autobiography Black Limited Edition

2011 Range Rover Autobiography Black - Front Side Picture

Autobiography Black is a very special 40th anniversary limited edition of the Range Rover 2011. Gerry McGovern, the Land Rover design director, states that at the top of the Range, the new Autobiography Black 40th anniversary limited edition offers customers the option of complete exclusivity with unique colorway combination as well as striking interior and exterior design features. Only 700 will be...

2010 Chevrolet Camaro Synergy

2010 Chevrolet Camaro Synergy - Front Angle

The Camaro Synergy concept previews a new Synergy Green production exterior color that will be offered on a special-edition Camaro in the first half of 2010. It also features a host of the latest Camaro accessories offered through Chevy dealers. They dramatically enhance the performance appearance of the car, demonstrating the personalization possibilities open to Camaro owners. Designers took liberties with the accessories, creating a totally unique package.

New Sport Car

2007 Chevrolet Silverado Rally Sport

Chevrolet Silverado Rally Sport 2007 - Front Side View

The 2007 Chevy Silverado Rally Sport recalls legendary Rally Sport Chevys, such as the first-generation Rally Sport Camaros. Those cars were all about good looks and affordable, sporty performance. The Silverado Rally Sport conveys that ethic and combines it with the capability of a pickup. This concept vehicle is powered by GM Powertrain’s 6.2L Vortec V-8 and is outfitted with high-performance four-wheel disc brakes, lowered suspension and chrome Chevy Accessories’ 22-inch wheels, with low-profile performance tires. Chevy Accessories ground effects, a hard tonneau cover and custom grille – all painted a beautiful Green Metallic – supply the visual sizzle. The spacious interior boasts four bucket seats, ample storage and rear seat entertainment.

Bugatti Veyron Nocturne

Bugatti Veyron Nocturne

Bugatti shows three new special editions of their Bugatti Veyron and Veyron Grand Sport at the Dubai Motor Show today which are exclusively build for the Middle East market. The three special editions consist of one Grand Sport and two regular Veyron models. Like previous special editions, the three editions shown in Dubai feature special exterior and interior colours and use of special materials like magnesium and platinum.

The Bugatti Veyron Nocturne is the first of these special editions and is limit to just five pieces.

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Modifikasi Motor Mio With Konsep Futuristik Eksotikor Mio


The element hi-tech and global rumours warming still was the manufacturer's automotive effective weapon of the world to jack up brand they. Proven in each automotive exhibition of the world, the war concept bike that was filled by environment-friendly future technology, always emerged. But precisely that the success was the magnet penarik thousands of visitors. Like in the site of 29th Bangkok International Motor (BIMS) Show in the building of BITEC Bang Na, Bangkok, Thailand (27/3-6/4).

His proof in the first day the exhibition was opened, thousands pengujung that filled up Stan the wheel of two was made be stunned the appearance of several concept motors. They that generally carried kamer the pocket, gak neglected the opportunity to immortalise these motors. Because of usually in some time in the future will be produced mass his manufacturer.

Although eventually tampilan the motor not be the same precisely like that was displayed. Nah, some of Stan that was quite busy were attacked by the visitor, Suzuki. His article in the main stage the manufacturer of the motor had this ‘S’, Thai Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd, as a symbol Thailand exhibited 2 skutik the concept have nuances hi-tech. His name SD-01 (the black colour) and SD-02 (white).

His design futuristik and aerodinamis through firm lines in all over the bodi was enough to hypnotise the eyes. Everything of the two motors carried the spur kitchen have a capacity small, namely 125 cc that it seems was based on Hayate 125. Only cover the exterior machine (CVT and the magnet) was designed repeated with the concept more futuristik and elegant. Antara cover the machine and fender the wheel was drafted joined.

That enough interesting was the plan setang stylish V that was carried by him. When in skutik-skutik now generally setang was covered cover, in the two concept primary schools precisely was made minimalis. Possibly followed tren in recent times. However not was significant without the indicator panel right.

The device of the machine and the speed of the round reader continued to be available, but his dimension was made as on a small scale as possible that was positioned in the middle setang. Alhasil showing setang continued to be impressed minimalis, but the outcome was more exotic.

Positioning System (GPS), MP3 and Personal Digital Asistant (PDA) was crammed in PRIMARY SCHOOL-02. All of them integrated in the indicator panel in setang. Article from www.maticholic.com The technologies actually in order to facilitates the driver during in the trip. GPS played a role as the navigation implement. Now MP3 tended for entertainment. While PDA for the GPS ease played a role as the navigation implement. Now MP3 tended for entertainment. While PDA for the communicating ease. Indeed these technologies not the new thing. Especially in the wheel vehicle of four. However in the motorcycle might be considered to be still new. So could be said was future technology for the motor.

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Car and Motorcycle Modification Contest

This blog contain new modification motor and car in Motor dan Mobil, New Modification motor and car, Top modification Latest Blog Posts for New Modification

New Modification Motor and Car for you

This blog contain new modification motor and car in Motor dan Mobil, New Modification motor and car, Top modification Latest Blog Posts for New Modification

New Modification Cars

New Modification Cars. The modified car tuning and styling articles are frequently updated and amended as new modifications become available

Car Tuning + Modified Cars Styling. Best Tuning Modifications!

The modified car tuning and styling articles are frequently updated and amended as new modifications become available.

Modified Cars Pictures of car tuning & car styling

Pictures of modified, custom & tuner cars, show gallery, hot girls, modified cars for sale

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

New Product Yamaha Mio 2011

Woo new product from yamaha about mio 2009. Well… was not yet even the struggle between 2 elephants in Indonesia, Honda vs Yamaha, in relation to segment skutik… Yamaha has gotten ready and design Yamaha Mio 2011 …!!!

The picture on the side this was rumours that was thick enough about Yamaha Mio 2011 …!!! from the-cycle.com say Possibly still concept skutik, as when Honda CZ-i or Honda Click-i … was exhibited in Bangkok… not how long emerged to kenyataan…!!! So if skutik Yamaha Mio this very true went out with the adjustment … let say 80% from concept bikez… hmmmm… according to me the war would increasingly berlanjut… and off course the battle isn’t over the jet. Don't miss It.Ok

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Mazda 3

2006 Porsche Carrera

...and that is if you are a wheeler nut..

Ini jadinya kalau orang sudah menyatu di hatinya dengan dunia restorasi mobil. Ternyata tidak sedikit restorer tanah air yang menghidupkan kembali spesies langka ini...Daihatsu midget aka bemo. Mau ikutan gabung????


modifikasi suzuki smash 110 gaya retro

Here you are, what you are looking for is now available here, it is the new modification of suzuku smash, the first suzuki smash modification picture in this blog. it so simple no more modification, just paint your suzuki smash to be looked like metalic smash. more over you can add power discbrake and all the engine brushed into metalic style.

Suzuki Smash ChocolateMilk Modification

Chocolate milk, when i watch the color of this suzuki smash motor bike i was remember with the color of chocolate milk that i drunk when i was small. This suzuki smash motor bike is so simple completed with small box in the back of the motor bike, i am so sure this motor bike will be suitable if the owner is some one who sell daily milk home to home.

Modifikasi Suzuki Shogun Arashi Elegan

Modifikasi Suzuki Shogun ArashiModifikasi Suzuki Shogun Arashi
Suzuki Shogun Arashi Picture Modification

Suzuki Shogun Arashi Specification Modified
Bike Owner: Sabanano Kamiko
Full Body: Suzuki Arashi 125
Front shock: Up side down "big bike"
Rear shock: YSS "big monster"
Front alloy: gold TMT 2:15 / 17
Rear alloy: gold TMT 2:50 / 17
Front tire: Swallow drag slick 2:00 / 17
Rear tire: Swallow drag slick 2:15 / 17
Front discs: PSM 32 mm
Rear discs: Aprilia RS 125
Front Caliper: Aprilia RS 125 4 piston
Rear Caliper: Aprillia RS 125 2 pistons
brake hose: Kitaco
Front/Rear brake master : Aprillia RS 125
Exhaust: Suzuki Shogun SP
Close tank: Honda NSR 150 SP
Front Shroud and steer: Yamaha Mio
Accessories: Auto Gage Tachometer
Nuts & Bolts: Full Monel
Oil cooler: Satri Suzuki FU 150
Paint: Blackberry Spice Hecker
Chrome: Kanigoro Juwana Starch
Paint Workshops: R_Mobil Semarang
Workshop Modified: Jogjakarta Kraxid System

Modifikasi Motor JUPITER

Today I look modification article from internet i see motor jupiter colour full modif.

This motor picture is very simple modification view but Still was contracted out by Ama YAMAHA PEkanbaru. for the EXHIBITION

Mio Low Rider Concept from Aditya Krismaputra

It’s come from Aditya Krismaputra, unfortunately he dosn’t mention where he live and the details of the modification he does. Not like usual low rider concept which use wide tyre, Adit use thin tyre. But, it look so funky in my mind. Good job !

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

motor classic modification

Harley Davidson has come a long way since its humble beginnings. The once small motorcycle manufacturer famous for Hells Angels and lone riders has become a global brand retailing everything from classic hog bikes to key chains and area rugs. Finding products with the familiar Harley bar and shield log isn't hard but if you are looking for classic biker pieces to accent entertainment centers and game rooms then consider going retro for genuine Harley Davidson furnishings.
Framed prints are great for wall decoration in bars, pubs, home entertainment rooms and billiard halls. Harley Davidson has leant its powerful brand name to a number of officially licensed framed prints made with durable acrylic face and featuring a sturdy black aluminum frame.
Highlighting motorcycle designs from years past the Harley framed print collection has terrific archival quality prints with bikes from 1903, 1921 and 1927 that chronicle the evolution of the Harley bikes from early motor bike designs to the roaring monsters you see on the roads today.

car classic modification

Modifying your car has been a popular pastime for many years. By modifying your car you are able to put your own unique personal touches on the vehicle to make it stand out from the rest. There are many cosmetic modifications that don't make the car run any different, but then that's not the point 90 percent of the time! More often car modification is done just to make your car look better or give it a more aggressive race like appearance. These types of modification are simple and will make your car stand out from the rest with very little work. As for the cost of car modifications, that is an altogether different story. Parts are freely available off the shelf from companies such as Spareco, Koni and Spax. For example you can buy Spax suspension, Janspeed exhausts, Momo rims and steering wheels, body kits, light alloy pedals, leather or led lit gear knobs, Corbeau race seats and even race harnesses.

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Mio in Bali

Today i raed article about modification in bali. Wow in Gelaran this was the series roadshow featuring watched together from one from bali-otomotif.com of the television of homeland private enterprise in several homeland cities, Denpasar was the first city in the series gelaran watched together that was held in centres of Parkir Istana Kuta Galeria.

Apart from watching together, event that was supported by the manufacturer of the motor to have this tuning-fork as a symbol jg was enlivened by the modification contest CuzztoMatic 2, dance contest, washed the motor, freestyle as well as various agendas and games, did not miss Steven n Coconut Tree was produced to increase bright gelaran that was held.